7 Reasons Why Climate Change Matters: A Guide to Protecting Our Future and Building Resilient Communities

29 Apr

In today’s world, understanding why we should care about climate change is not just a matter of global responsibility; it’s about safeguarding our future, ensuring resilience in our communities, and upholding ethical principles. Let’s delve into seven compelling reasons why climate change should matter to every individual.

  1. Impact on Well-being: Climate change poses significant risks to human health and well-being. From extreme weather events to air pollution-related illnesses and food and water shortages, the consequences of climate change can directly affect individuals’ quality of life. Ensuring a healthy and sustainable environment is essential for our well-being.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Climate change contributes to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and degradation of ecosystems. By caring about climate change, individuals can contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the protection of vulnerable species and ecosystems. Preserving our environment is crucial for current and future generations.
  3. Social Justice: Climate change disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, including low-income communities, indigenous peoples, and marginalized groups. By caring about climate change, we can advocate for equitable solutions that address the needs of all people, especially those most impacted by climate-related risks. Climate action is essential for promoting social justice and equality.
  4. Economic Stability: Climate change has significant economic implications, including damage to infrastructure, disruptions to supply chains, and increased healthcare costs. By caring about climate change, we can support policies and practices that promote economic resilience and sustainability. Investing in climate action is crucial for ensuring long-term economic stability.
  5. Global Responsibility: Climate change is a global challenge that requires collective action from individuals, communities, governments, and businesses worldwide. By caring about climate change, individuals can contribute to international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigate climate risks, and build resilience to climate impacts. Taking responsibility for our actions is key to addressing climate change on a global scale.
  6. Future Generations: Climate change will have long-term consequences for future generations, including changes in weather patterns, sea-level rise, and resource scarcity. By caring about climate change, we can take action to ensure a livable planet for future generations and mitigate the intergenerational impacts of climate change. Protecting the environment is essential for securing a better future for our children and grandchildren.
  7. Personal and Community Resilience: By understanding and addressing climate risks, we can enhance our own resilience and that of our communities to climate-related hazards. This can involve adopting sustainable practices, preparing for extreme weather events, and supporting local adaptation efforts. Building resilience is crucial for mitigating the impacts of climate change and ensuring a sustainable future.

Concrete Actions: To contribute to climate action, there are concrete steps that individuals can take:

  • Reduce Carbon Footprint
  • Conserve Water
  • Adopt Sustainable Practices
  • Support Green Spaces
  • Prepare for Extreme Weather Events
  • Invest in Climate-resilient Infrastructure
  • Practice Sustainable Land Use
  • Promote Climate Awareness
  • Support Climate-friendly Policies and Politicians

By taking these actions, individuals can make a positive impact on climate change and create a more sustainable and resilient future for all. Climate change is not just a distant problem; it’s a challenge that requires urgent action from everyone. Together, we can make a difference and create a better world for generations to come.

Check this youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9d7nuuCS6U

Zumba as Health Strategy for Davao Elderly Group

7 Apr

Senior Citizen Chapter 2 of Barangay R. Castillo organized a weekly Zumba to keep their members active amidst health challenges.

SCC2 President Marilou A. Tarona said, “We need to go out of our homes and be connected with the community because we need each other. We can motivate each through simple exercise.

Eleanor Gonzales said that her sense of balance had improved because of regularly attending the Zumba morning session.

Nora Villorente-Tranquilino also looks forward to their Friday Zumba because her blood pressure and blood sugar continues to improve.

Marilou added, “We will keep on campaigning this health and fitness activity not just for the senior citizen but to all the residents of Barangay R. Castillo.”

Meanwhile, this Zumba Fitness activity is also joined by the women and persons with disability sector of the barangay.

Visit Senior Citizen Chapter 2 in their Facebook Account https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084870242303 and be inspired!

Millennial Moms’ Roadmap to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Benefits of Product Loans

12 Apr

In today’s fast-paced world, millennial moms are navigating a unique set of challenges. Here in Davao, they navigate the bustling landscape of motherhood while striking a balance between their career aspirations and the responsibilities of raising a family demands not just dedication but also financial acumen. Thankfully, product loans offer a lifeline, empowering millennial moms to seize opportunities, achieve their goals, and secure a brighter future for their families.

Understanding the Landscape: Millennial Moms and Financial Wellness

Millennial moms are a dynamic demographic, renowned for their entrepreneurial spirit and digital prowess. They are adept at multitasking and juggling professional responsibilities while nurturing their families. However, financial stability remains a pressing concern. Rising childcare costs and housing expenses create barriers to achieving long-term financial security.

Product Loans: Tailored Solutions for Millennial Moms

Product loans represent a strategic tool in the financial arsenal of millennial moms. Whether it’s financing education, launching a business, or covering unexpected expenses, these loans offer a pathway to realizing dreams and aspirations. Let’s delve into the tangible benefits that product loans bring to the table for millennial moms:

Flexibility and Accessibility: Product loans cater to diverse needs, providing flexible repayment options and accessible terms. Millennial moms can secure funding without excessive paperwork or prolonged waiting periods, allowing them to address immediate financial needs efficiently.

Investment in Education: Education is a cornerstone of empowerment for millennial moms. Product loans enable them to pursue further education or upskill, unlocking new career opportunities and enhancing earning potential. Whether it’s enrolling in online courses, attending workshops, or obtaining professional certifications, these loans facilitate continuous learning and personal development.

Venturing into Entrepreneurship: Many millennial moms harbor entrepreneurial ambitions, seeking to turn passion projects into profitable ventures. Product loans offer the necessary capital to kickstart businesses, launch e-commerce platforms, or invest in innovative startups. With the right financial support, millennial moms can transform ideas into reality, fueling economic growth and driving innovation.

Realizing Homeownership Dreams: Owning a home is a cherished aspiration for many millennial moms, symbolizing stability and security for their families. Product loans facilitate homeownership by providing down payment assistance, mortgage financing, or home improvement loans. By stepping onto the property ladder, millennial moms can build equity, create a sanctuary for their loved ones, and lay down roots for the future.

Building a Financial Safety Net: Life is unpredictable, and unexpected expenses can arise at any moment. Product loans serve as a financial safety net, offering peace of mind during emergencies or unforeseen circumstances. Whether it’s covering medical bills, repairing a vehicle, or handling household repairs, these loans provide the necessary funds to weather life’s storms without derailing long-term financial plans.

That One Tip to Save Yourself from Flash Floods/Disasters

1 Apr

Considering the recent flash floods that have ravaged the Davao region, it’s imperative to discuss the importance of preparedness in mitigating the impact of natural disasters. With thousands of families affected and infrastructure damage mounting, now more than ever, we need to equip ourselves with the knowledge and tools to safeguard against such calamities.

The Current Situation:
As reported by Sunstar, the trough of a Low-Pressure Area has impacted over 3,000 families in the Davao Region, with Davao de Oro, Davao Oriental, and Davao City bearing the brunt of the devastation. Evacuation centers are overflowing, roads are impassable, and power and water interruptions add to the chaos. The damages to infrastructure and crops are substantial, highlighting the urgent need for proactive measures to address such disasters.

The One Tip: Preparedness
Amidst the chaos and despair, I would like to emphasize the importance of preparedness as the one tip that can save lives during flash floods and disasters. Preparedness is not only crucial but also accessible to everyone, regardless of age or status. It’s a mindset and a set of actions that can make a significant difference in times of crisis.

  • Are you really prepared? Can you check all the boxes below? Let’s finds out!
  • Evacuation Plan: Have a clear plan in place for evacuating yourself, your family, and your pets to safety. Whether it’s seeking higher ground or contacting assistance, knowing what to do in advance can save precious time.
  • Emergency Kit: Ensure easy access to essential supplies such as food, water, medicines, and important documents in case of evacuation or prolonged isolation.
  • Physical Health: Maintain good health and fitness to ensure you’re capable of handling emergency situations and assisting others if needed.
  • Spiritual Practice: Dedicate time to prayer or meditation to cultivate inner strength, focus, and resilience during challenging times.
  • Community Engagement: Stay informed about community developments and actively participate in disaster preparedness initiatives, such as garbage cleanup or infrastructure consultations.

Now is the time to act. From creating evacuation plans to adopting healthy habits and engaging with your community, every step you take towards preparedness brings you one step closer to safety and resilience.

Amidst the devastation of flash floods and disasters, preparedness stands as the beacon of hope and resilience. We can navigate through adversity with strength and determination. Let’s commit to being prepared, staying informed, and supporting one another in times of need.

Join the conversation and share your thoughts on disaster preparedness in the comments below. Together, let’s empower ourselves and our communities to weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever before. Share this article with the people you love.

Sunstar article dated Jan-Feb 2, 2024

Seizing the Most Valuable Opportunity Amidst Climate Change Disasters

28 Mar

Considering recent catastrophic events such as the flash floods and landslides wreaking havoc across Davao del Norte, Davao De Oro, and Davao Oriental, it’s imperative to explore the one and only opportunity we must grasp during these challenging times. But before we unveil this opportunity, let’s delve into why many perceive such situations as threats rather than openings for growth.

Fear of Loss. The looming threat of losing not only material possessions but also beloved family members instill a sense of dread and apprehension.

Anxiety about Loss of Income. The uncertainty surrounding the future and the potential loss of income further exacerbate the situation, leaving individuals on edge.

Survival Instincts Leading to Selfishness. While survival instincts are natural, they can sometimes breed selfishness, manifesting in acts such as looting.

Fear of Starting Over. The daunting prospect of rebuilding from scratch triggers self-doubt and anxiety about one’s ability to overcome adversity.

Frustration with Government. There’s often a sense of frustration and disappointment towards governmental bodies, with expectations of superhero-like interventions during crises.

Triggering Past Traumas. For those with past traumas, calamities can reopen old wounds, leading to emotional detachment and withdrawal.
The focus tends to gravitate towards scarcity rather than opportunity, making it challenging to identify a silver lining.

But let’s shift the narrative. Can you guess the one and only opportunity that holds the potential for substantial, long-term benefits? It’s an opportunity available to everyone, irrespective of financial status. The answer is, Opportunity to Serve!

Service to humanity is a priceless commodity, requiring nothing more than a willingness to give. And in giving, we receive abundantly. Consider these avenues of service:
a. Amplifying Relief Efforts: Simply sharing posts about relief operations can make a significant impact.
b. Hands-On Volunteering: Offering your time to assist in packing relief items or aiding in their distribution can be invaluable.
c. Creative Fundraising: Instead of donating physical items, organizing fundraising activities can mobilize resources more efficiently.
d. Even in the face of personal adversity, serving others remains within reach. Prayer, a powerful act of service, is accessible to all and can foster a sense of unity and resilience in communities.
e. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude amidst loss fosters resilience and paves the way for eventual recovery.

In conclusion, let’s remember we need to serve first to deserve.

Celebrating National Women’s Month: Understanding Her Story and Current Challenges

14 Mar

March is a time of celebration, reflection, and action as we commemorate National Women’s Month. This annual event has deep roots in the recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8th, which originated from the tireless efforts of working women in the early 20th century. Over the years, it has evolved into a global movement, with countries like the Philippines taking significant steps to honor and uplift the contributions of women in society.

Origins and Theme:

In 1990, the Philippines officially recognized March 8th as National Women’s Day through R.A. 6949. Today, the celebration extends throughout the entire month, adopting a theme that resonates with the current socio-political landscape. For the year 2024, the theme is “WE for gender equality and inclusive society.” This theme underscores the importance of collective responsibility, urging everyone to participate in the ongoing struggle for gender equality and empowerment. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of equality, highlighting the need for a united effort to create a more inclusive society where every individual, regardless of gender, enjoys equal rights and opportunities.

Current Challenges:

Despite progress, Filipino women still face numerous challenges that hinder their full participation and contribution to society. Here are some pressing issues that demand attention:

  1. Gender-based violence: Women in the Philippines continue to experience various forms of gender-based violence, including domestic abuse, sexual harassment, and human trafficking. Despite legislative efforts and awareness campaigns, more needs to be done to provide comprehensive support and protection for survivors.
  2. Limited access to education: While strides have been made in improving access to education, women in rural areas still encounter barriers that prevent them from pursuing quality schooling. Factors like safety concerns and traditional gender roles contribute to disparities in educational attainment.
  3. Economic inequality: Women in the Philippines earn less than men for similar work and face obstacles in accessing credit and job opportunities. Deep-rooted biases often limit women’s choices and hinder their advancement in traditionally male-dominated fields.
  4. Reproductive health issues: Access to reproductive health services and family planning information remains uneven across regions. Comprehensive education and accessible healthcare services are essential to effectively address reproductive health concerns.
  5. Political underrepresentation: Women are underrepresented in political positions at both local and national levels. Efforts to promote women’s participation in politics must be intensified to ensure diverse and inclusive governance.
  6. Limited healthcare access: Women, particularly those in rural areas, struggle to access quality healthcare services, with maternal health being a persistent concern. Addressing healthcare disparities requires comprehensive policies and increased investment in healthcare infrastructure.
  7. Discrimination in the workplace: Discriminatory practices, such as unequal treatment and limited career advancement opportunities, persist in many workplaces. Overcoming gender biases and promoting workplace equality are critical for fostering a more inclusive work environment.
  8. Climate change impacts: Women, especially those in vulnerable communities, bear disproportionate impacts from climate change, affecting their livelihoods and well-being. Gender-sensitive approaches to climate adaptation and mitigation are crucial for addressing these challenges effectively.

Moving Forward:

As we celebrate National Women’s Month, it’s essential to acknowledge the progress made while recognizing the work that remains to be done. Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort from government agencies, civil society organizations, and individuals alike. By amplifying women’s voices, advocating for policy reforms, and challenging gender norms, we can create a more equitable and inclusive society for all.

Let’s stand together in solidarity, celebrate the achievements of women past and present, and commit ourselves to building a future where every woman has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can turn the tide and pave the way for a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.

Women’s Month Celebration  Understanding Her Story and Current Challenges

Samal LGU Recognizes Partnership with MCKS Caring Heart Foundation

8 Apr
Island Garden City of Samal - The Local Government Unit of  Samal under the Leadership of Mayor Al David Uy, awards the MCKS Caring Heart Foundation for having been their consistent partnes in delivering health and water services to the urban poor communities.

The plaque of appreciation was awarded to  Program Manager Donna Bigcas during the 25th Founding Anniversary Celebration of the City last March 7,2023.  

Bigcas said" Our mission is to alleviate the pain and suffering of the poor, the simplest way to address  is to give them access to medicine, doctors including safe and potable water." 

MCKS  Caring Heart Foundation together with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP)  Field Operations Division for  Mindanao (FODM) are the ones responsible for the Medical Caravan last December 2021 and 2022.  The water project in Barangay Balet was made possible because of this partnership through the PCUP Adopt and Urban Poor Community Program.

Visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064479170203 for more information with MCKS Caring Heart Foundation

MCKS Caring Heart Foundation Donna Bigcas, Mayor Al David Uy and PCUP Marilou Tarona

Island Garden City of Samal – The Local Government Unit of Samal under the Leadership of Mayor Al David Uy, awards the MCKS Caring Heart Foundation for having been their consistent partnes in delivering health and water services to the urban poor communities.

The plaque of appreciation was awarded to Program Manager Donna Bigcas during the 25th Founding Anniversary Celebration of the City last March 7,2023.

Bigcas said” Our mission is to alleviate the pain and suffering of the poor, the simplest way to address is to give them access to medicine, doctors including safe and potable water.”

MCKS Caring Heart Foundation together with the Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) Field Operations Division for Mindanao (FODM) are the ones responsible for the Medical Caravan last December 2021 and 2022. The water project in Barangay Balet was made possible because of this partnership through the PCUP Adopt and Urban Poor Community Program.

Visit https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064479170203 for more information with MCKS Caring Heart Foundation

A Writers Guide To Finding Goodness In Mati: Food Edition

8 Apr

Election may be far from over here in Mati as PICOS Machine goes overtime.

The best way to finding goodness in every challenges is to eat.

My sister Lovely and I , tried for the first time LOKAL, it’s one the newest restaurant and bar in the City.

We took a break from a very busy volunteering schedule to get to know their desserts and their good coffee.

Lovely ordered Jasmine Tea (for its calming effect) and Crispy Cake, a fried dough topped with vanilla ice cream and drizzled with chocolate syrup. Surprisingly delicious!!! A refreshing taste in one hot afternoon.

Meanwhile I ordered the classic Blueberry Cheesecake and Brewed Coffee. The cheesecake gave a velvety soft texture while the coffee is so strong it gave me energy for a very long day of monitoring the election results. Trust me it kept me awake until 6AM. I guess that is the true test of one good coffee.


Urban Poor Leader in Samal Qualifies DTI P3

5 Mar

The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) introduced the  P3 Program to support the micro entrepreneur of the country and a women’s sector leader in the Island Garden City of Samal was able to passed the rigorous  screening.

Arlene Flores, a mother and a micro business owner received Php 20,000 loan from DTI P3 Program few months after applying at the  Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) Caravan last  November 29,.

“I will use the loan as additional capital to my store”, she said.

Arlene said the loan is payable for 1 year but the monthly installment starts 6 months after it was received.

Arlene is the currently the President of Sunrise Homeowners Association, an accredited urban poor organization of PCUP.

“I also would like to thank Marilou Tarona of PCUP for assisting and coaching me how to qualify”, she added.

P3 Program  is expected to give boost to the micro enterprises sector, which comprise the bulk of the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector in the country.

PCUP Celebrate Mompreneurs during the International Day for Women

5 May

Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor Food  (PCUP) organized a training on Food Preparation and Food Safety with gender and Development for the women groups in the Island Garden City of Samal (IGACOS) last March 8.

PCUP Area Coordinator Marilou A. Tarona said, “The best way to a person’s heart is through its stomach and women is known to feed and nurture their family. As a CoVid response, mothers were able to use this skill to earn and still support their family even during lockdown. That is why food preparation and food safety is essential.”

In partnership with the Local Government Unit of Samal, women were able to learn Pinoy merienda recipe from the entrepreneurs identified by the Home Owners Association of NHA Tambo, Dreamville and Sunrise.

Jocelyn Nasole of City Health, talk about the importance of Food Preparation and Safety. She emphasizes the importance of having a health card should they wish to sell the products in the City.

Meanwhile, Gender and Development Orientation resource person was Engr.Elenita Gian of the  Human Settlement Division and GAD Focal Person.

Participants  are  of the sadi activity are the Home Owners Association of Sunrise , Dreamville, Matamata, Bugo an NHA Tambo.